Eating Cake

A delectable cake slice with dark inner layers coated in cream and red frosting. Whipped cream is dabbed on top and various berries are placed on the cream. The slice has been cut with a fork, the front piece toppled over, and a fork is laid down next to it slightly digging into the side of the cake. Crumbs decorate the fork prongs.

A delicious piece of cake on canvas! The most surprising outcome for me was that I apparently knew how to paint really good looking blueberries. The fruit is possibly the most favorite part of this painting for me, besides the vibrancy of the red cake.

In October 2022, I set out to paint a whole painting every day. It was an ambitious project that I didn’t get to follow through on due to illness, nevertheless I’m very proud of what I managed to create during this time!

Each day presented a different, randomly generated prompt. Day 2 was: Eating Cake

Copyright Sanne VR Art