Meet the Virtual Reality artist
Hello, my name is Sanne! I’m a Dutch artist, web developer and VR enthusiast. Virtual Reality art is a true passion of mine.
Recent Paintings
Alone again
I’m alone again. From a stormy ocean full of desperate attempts to keep my head above the surface, the water is now calm. The gentle rise and fall of the waves soothe me.
Evening Flowers
In my quest to complete paintings faster and more often, I spent no more than 20 minutes on these stylized flowers, and worried not at all about any imperfections.
Recent Videos
Evening Flowers Speedpaint
A quick little evening speedpaint. Took no longer than 20 minutes, just to keep me warm and going!
Recent Articles
The difference between VR and traditional painting
I’ll just get straight to the point: the difference between VR and traditional painting is that one is digital, and one is not.
What is Virtual Reality Painting?
Virtual Reality Painting (VR Painting) is, very simply put, a way of digitally creating a painting. But instead of sitting at a computer with a flat screen, you put on a VR headset and are immediately immersed in a digital environment.